LARN is a dungeon type adventure game similar in concept to HACK, ROGUE or MORIA, but with a different feel and winning criteria. Unfortunately if you're seeing this page it means that there was an error loading the game. This version of Larn requires a browser from circa 2016 to work properly. Please check to make sure you are running Firefox 53+, Chrome 55+, Edge 15+, or Safari 11+. Internet Explorer is not supported. Sometimes, you'll get this message when a new version is released. You can usually get the game working again with a full refresh of your browser. - On Windows: Hold down Ctrl and press F5 - On Mac: - Chrome & Firefox: Hold down Shift and click the Reload button - Safari: Hold down the Option and Command key then press the ā€˜Eā€™ key If you're still having trouble, please send a message to "eye (at)" and I'll get to the bottom of it!