The Caves of Larn

Welcome to the Caves of Larn

Larn and Ularn are Roguelike dungeon adventure games similar in concept to Hack, Rogue, or Moria, but with a different feel and winning criteria.

Play in Browser
Larn Ularn
Larn DOS / Unix Ularn DOS / Unix
Amiga Larn Amiga Ularn

This is an obsessively faithful browser-based rewrite of Larn and Ularn. It includes a few fixes, a global scoreboard, mobile support and minor updates to balance the game at higher difficulties, bumping the version number to 12.5.2.

Watch Larn

Watch live and recorded games on LarnTV

Larn on the Web


Gameplay Videos

Wikis, Blogs, Discussion

Other Version of Larn and Ularn

History & Source Code

Derek Newhall has shared a detailed History of Larn and Ularn complete with links to source code and binaries for many different version of Larn and Ularn that have been created since 1986.


I can be reached at I love getting feedback and talking about about Larn.

I have been playing and learning about Larn for over 30 years. If you know about any resources I may have missed, please pass them along.

The source code for this project is available here and contributions are sincerely welcome.